I am interested in SELinux on Embedded area, I have talked about SELinux and AppArmor at meeting of CELinux Forum (http://www.celinuxforum.org/) last year.My presentation was Japanese, but someone translated it into English. http://tree.ce…
I graduated Master course of GWU, so I moved back to Japan. I hope I am able to continue SELinux/Secure OS work here :-)
I have finally released seedit 2.0! http://seedit.sourceforge.net/Here is an announce posted in NSA selinux list and fedora-seliux list.Hi.I am glad to announce that SELinux Policy Editor 2.0(seedit 2.0) has been released. seedit is a tool…
To design permission network integration in Simplified policy, I considered what kind of macros should exist in SELinux. Whan kind of network object exists in SELinux? socket SELinux labels sockets(TCP,UDP,RAW). The type of socket is domai…
My thought after SELinux Symposium SELinux Symposium was great place to know what's happening to SELinux. I learned a lot of progress has been made in one year. It was the biggest year since SELinux was released. And I thought I have to do…
I noticed that my page is registered to Planet SELinux(http://www.selinuxnews.org/planet/). Thanks. I would like to try to write English article to let international people know Japanese SELinux/Secure OS. Situation about Japanese(includin…